Texas — Targeted Issue

Developing a National Pediatric Readiness Project Quality Improvement Data Registry

Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2024

Grant Number
H3433244 (old #: H34MC33244)
Project Overview
The majority (83%) of children seek care in non-pediatric specialty emergency departments (ED). On average EDs see less than 15 pediatric patients a day and less than 50% report a quality improvement (QI) process for pediatric patients. Results from the National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) demonstrated over 80% of US EDs want to provide quality pediatric care. Facilities are poised for engagement, but no Quality Improvement (QI) data registry exists to assess processes of care and adherence to evidence-based clinical care. The investigators will address these gaps by developing a data registry system and using this tool to evaluate and improve pediatric readiness efforts. Health outcomes will be assessed by using two common clinical conditions to measure the effectiveness of QI efforts relating to pediatric readiness. The project objectives are to: (1) establish standardized indicators for clinical care processes and conditions that positively influence pediatric health outcomes; (2) build a data registry system that allows for data collection and communication of benchmarks for non-pediatric EDs and QI interventions; (3) Evaluate the effects of pediatric readiness interventions on health outcomes; and (4) Develop a system that encourages participation in pediatric readiness QI processes and determine methods of long-term sustainability for the registry project.
Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin
Main Contact
Award Amount


Name Role(s) Phone Email
Kate Remik, MD
  • Principal Investigator


Title Type Publication/Event Published/Presented Identifier Details
The National Pediatric Readiness Quality Initiative (NPRQI) Poster 2021 EMSC All Grantee Meeting 2021