EIIC would like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the exceptional Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) teams participating in the quality improvement (QI) collaborative focused on ED expansion who have gone above and beyond. The participating teams have demonstrated their commitment to learning about quality improvement in health care and have participated in various activities, including learning sessions, workgroup sessions, and engaging with their community beyond the classroom. This collaborative gives participants opportunities for networking with each other and learning and growing together as they work on their ED expansion projects.

PMHCA Teams Participating:
- Chickasaw Nation (Oklahoma)
- Delaware
- Iowa
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Nebraska
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Vermont
- Washington
- North Carolina
- South Dakota
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Why is Quality Improvement (QI) important?
Quality Improvement (QI) can help teams improve patient outcomes, increase system performance, and promote professional development through continual improvement activities. The first step in this QI collaborative was for teams to set their SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) Aims. A SMART Aim is a good way to set realistic goals and plan the steps to meet the goals identified. Some PMHCA teams have already submitted their SMART Aims setting a standard of excellence and showing their dedication to making progress. The teams are also beginning to dive into their measures and to test the application of their work through implementing PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycles.. The PDSA cycles are designed to test and adapt changes through smaller, incremental efforts to ensure long-term success. By aligning their goals with the broader strategic direction of their projects or their organizations, the teams are ensuring that their efforts to improve will contribute meaningfully to a larger vision. The next step is for the teams to create a key driver diagram.
Please visit the EIIC website for more information about the PMHCA program or QI Science.