Pediatric Education and Advocacy Kit (PEAK): Pain

The majority of emergency department visits are related to pain. Untreated pain has short-term (pain and distress for the child, caregivers, and healthcare providers; prolonged procedure time; slower healing) and long-term consequences (increased sensitivity to pain; avoidance of healthcare settings; needle phobia, higher levels of anxiety before a procedure). Timely and effective multi-modal pain care improves procedure success rates, prevents the need for repeated attempts, improves patient flow, and improves patient and caregiver satisfaction. Repeated pain measures and consideration of each family’s unique situation, level of distress, and life experience can help guide appropriate therapy. PEAK: Pain was developed to provide resources for prehospital practitioners, hospital-based care providers, patients, and families to assess and manage pain in the pediatric patient.
Last updated: July 2022
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