00:09:47 Tanya Trevilian: There's a lot of background noise- is everyone muted? 00:13:18 Mitchell County Hospital: can you share your template for the badge buddy? 00:16:41 Robbie Besel: Can you tell me where you got the Kanga bands from? These are a great idea! 00:16:46 Erin Patisteas: we have the kanga bands at our hospital too. They have been helpful for the mental check to make sure they are documenting weights in kg 00:17:01 Mitchell County Hospital: Please share this as well 00:18:26 Charlene C: I will propose the Kanga Bands Awesome Idea! 00:18:36 Betsy O: /cerner does have it. the ability 00:18:41 Tanya Trevilian: https://www.pdchealthcare.com/media/literature/pdf/kangaband-wristbands-flyer-HC-186-0212.pdf 00:23:51 Gabrielle Smith: Who are your other stakeholders for your peds committee in ED, can you share? 00:25:34 Gabrielle Smith: Thank you 00:35:57 Mitchell County Hospital: Thank you this is great! 00:43:02 Gabrielle Smith: Do you have a charter written for your committee? 00:43:37 tibor bajor: great work, thanks. have to jump off 00:44:03 Susan: fontano@ah.org 00:44:58 Gabrielle Smith: thank you :) 00:45:13 cbalderrama: Thank you 00:45:20 Robbie Besel: thank you 00:45:21 Erin Patisteas: thank you so much!! 00:45:25 Charlene C: thank you 00:45:26 Betsy O: Thank you 00:45:26 Jamie Heidrich: THanks!