00:13:46 Meredith Rodriguez: Welcome everyone! We’ll get started shortly 00:14:22 Jennifer Jones: Good afternoon! 00:14:31 Kathleen Hart: Thank you 👌 00:14:38 Anna Sessa: We can hear and see you 00:14:57 Anna Sessa: closed caption is en espanol currently 00:15:10 Meredith Rodriguez: Thank you Anna! 00:15:17 Anna Sessa: You're welcome 00:15:29 Whitney Jerred: There doesn't seem to be a link for the slide handouts 00:18:59 Fernando Montes-Tapia: Hi, from Monterrey, México 00:19:20 Michelle Moegling: We will make sure slides they get posted. 00:27:02 Brent Hahn: Thanks! 00:30:07 David Edwards: Are the notes in Spanish on purpose? 00:57:14 Kate Remick: Those solutions were switched 01:05:06 Rachel Ford: Can you share the EMSC Program Manager Breakout Session zoom link? 01:07:32 Louis Gonzales: Rachel, I believe this should be the link for EMSC Program Manager Breakout - https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uL1PUdEcn44q3ETK8AJKcznqHvRO8r7-iMuoQ1Hi1MlEV2VG2FD2WZelFTD_E87SZEicHpRleklicFY04Xzs-As_xFAYVF--OxvH81p72FLsnxa_UfOmV5CFQm_3Yt8GcWwJP7AjArLbT6aH9XNuXv3qovhM5NTItJUr7dK_gu4=&c=-UxHmmzrNQ4a-WFQ-fh9BUbQRI1s_9p9JLCE4tNwx_u9SxY9AebS2g==&ch=t0ssblGHNlShVuOjfxsxdbyNy8IUf5fAA9xalKrQxzYwG3sOXF56NA== 01:12:33 Michelle Moegling: Break out Rooms: 1 - Prehospital Practitioners https://dellmed-utexas.zoom.us/j/7990752124 Meeting ID: 799 075 2124 2 - Nurses & Other Healthcare Providers https://dellmed-utexas.zoom.us/j/2202555306 Meeting ID: 220 255 5306 3 - Physicians & Advanced Practice Providers https://dellmed-utexas.zoom.us/j/8338596783?pwd=TG1kS3Vnb2NMSjhQQ0pLZzgvRFUyQT09 Meeting ID: 833 859 6783 4 - State/Territory EMSC Programs https://dellmed-utexas.zoom.us/j/4997818994 Meeting ID: 499 781 8994 01:15:30 Michelle Moegling: https://emscimprovement.center/collaboratives/pwdc/sessions/