00:15:40 Meredith Rodriguez: It was me! SOrry! 00:16:17 Meredith Rodriguez: Welcome everyone! We’re talking about phase 2 and what you all might want to start working on 00:17:05 Gabrielle Smith: I am interested in learning more about selecting an impactful process change project for March and an preview about what this will look like for us... 00:17:33 Gabrielle Smith: can you go over this? 00:18:00 Meredith Rodriguez: Yes, I’m happy to 00:24:10 agnes.gantz: Being pulled away, thank you! 00:25:35 Gabrielle Smith: Thank you 00:26:23 Jenn Rofrano: Hi. We have found that complete vitals prehospitally is our biggest impact area. We found after a 2 year deep dive into our ACR's, we haven't been using complete vital signs. we are deficient in over 40% on just BP alone. Still looking into blood glucose testing in the altered mental status in the pediatric patient. Still need to poll staff as to their comfort level with pediatrics on a whole. 00:26:28 Erin Patisteas: Greta, I agree. That is so important and really makes a difference for a child when they feel like they are being approached in a respectful and meaningful way 00:28:14 Louis Gonzales: Good idea Jenn. It sounds like your have used some aspect of your environmental scan to identify an improvement need. Do you have thoughts on how you might seek to improve this? We would love for you to share with everyone. 00:29:17 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: thanks Erin! And someone actually claims it makes a statistically relevant difference. 00:29:31 Jenn Rofrano: First the staff needs to know we have looked into it and let them know the numbers. From there it will become a 100^% metric to be followed for both our interfacility and our 911 calls. 00:30:15 Jenn Rofrano: The equipment is an issue. we need the smaller cuffs 00:30:43 Jenn Rofrano: I will need to get buy in from support because this will impact their budget as well. 00:32:18 Jenn Rofrano: I have some help from our children's hospital to try to move this forward, but ultimately my upper administration needs to accept it. 00:32:45 Gabrielle Smith: Toyota Process improvement model 00:33:20 Kristen Colsden: Lean is a way of thinking about creating needed value with fewer resources and less waste. And lean is a practice consisting of continuous experimentation to achieve perfect value with zero waste. Lean thinking and practice occur together. 00:35:11 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: that's great 00:37:40 Erin Patisteas: I'm nodding, but on mute :) Thank you, that is helpful. 00:40:22 Jenn Rofrano: I have been in quality for 9 years along with my field work, and it takes persistence. 00:41:36 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: Older people recognize that change is not always improvement 00:42:03 Jason Crellin: Objective data, anecdotal information, making things as easy as possible/user friendly, and providing multiple venues to access the information for processes have all been things that we have tried with variable success to improve buy-in. 00:42:20 Jenn Rofrano: Thank god...I have used bribery! 00:45:52 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: Near misses could inspire a QI measure 00:47:05 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: and get buy in 00:50:28 Gabrielle Smith: In LA we have created a PDLN EDAP group that will share policy when updating our own. This helps us discuss best practices and stay current across the county... We have monthly meeting to help discuss 00:51:19 Rani’s iPhone: Any thoughts on keeping the policies current and forefront where the pediatric volume is low and potential if loosing it —when not using it 00:51:58 Gabrielle Smith: Collaborate and network...introduce yourself to other hospitals in the community around you 00:52:26 RChambers: http://cecoms.cuyahogacounty.us/pdf/ClevelandClinicEMSProtocols.pdf 00:53:15 RChambers: You cannot access the northeast Ohio protocols from the link above. 00:58:52 RChambers: Google Cleveland Clinic EMS protocols 01:00:22 RChambers: Sorry for the confusion---the link works. 01:01:13 Robin Goodman: The LA group started as volunteers that met monthly 01:02:08 Rani’s iPhone: This may not be a topic of discussion today but is there a children’s hospital working with a community hospital to give telemedicine consult on cases—- time effective ? 01:06:16 RChambers: We are doing telemedicine for adults only. Hoping to bring peds on later next year. 01:08:15 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: Are there models of child life work via telemedicine to improve patient experience? 01:08:39 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: in hospital or with mobile EMS? 01:10:08 Greta James Maxfield, TX Parent to Parent Family Support: Thanks!