13:09:06 From Rachael Alter : Looks like I live in New Jersey 13:19:11 From Rachael Alter : https://cdphe.colorado.gov/engage-calm-distract 13:27:59 From Rachel Ford (she/her/hers) | Oregon EMSC : We asked the Oregon Department of Transportation to share some of their NHTSA funds ($20,000) so we could purchase 93 Ferno Pedi Mate+ restraint systems. Ferno provided lowest bid and direct shipped them to the agencies. Oregon EMSC used an application that assessed agency need and we had just enough money/restraints for what was requested (that never happens!). 13:28:39 From Rachael Alter : @Rachel - that’s awesome! 13:28:47 From Anna K. Sessa (she/her) New Hampshire EMSC : This scenario book! <3 13:30:33 From Victoria Barnes : Awesome example of tapping into other available sources of funding to meet your goals and wish lists Excellent work Rachel Ford 13:32:16 From Rachel Ford (she/her/hers) | Oregon EMSC : Thanks! I offer it up because Dept. of Transportation might not be an obvious partner, and they receive a lot more money than EMSC SP Programs. 13:35:19 From Rachael Alter : https://debrief2learn.org 13:36:22 From Victoria Barnes : Very true. Other states has looked to rural health offices, healthcare coalitions, and others for funding. If any states have other specific examples of alternative funding sources, and wouldn't mind sharing, please email them to me after the presentation: Victoria.barnes@ynhh.org Thanks!! 13:54:39 From Anna K. Sessa (she/her) New Hampshire EMSC : Great work Robin and Jason! 13:54:45 From Dwayne Lopes : Great Presentation! With Montana being so vast have you used video conferencing in your presentations or meetings? 13:54:48 From Jason Mahoney CCPH : The Montana EMSC Resource cloud folder is available at: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApjMd8ty7gsxg7J9-TTCVb1mt64MKA?e=mO1So3 13:55:36 From Rachel Ford (she/her/hers) | Oregon EMSC : Jason - I appreciate how you broke it down for the PECCs in your state. Will be borrowing from your PECC program structure. Thank you! 13:55:38 From Rachael Alter : https://emscimprovement.center/collaboratives/pecclc/cop-webinar-archive/ 13:57:10 From Kjelsey Polzin : Wonderful work Jason and Robin!! Appreciate you sharing and providing links to your resources! 13:57:41 From Greta James Maxfield(she) Texas Parent to Parent Family Support : Thanks! 13:57:43 From Victoria Barnes : thanks Jason!!